Thursday, February 12, 2009

Before I Write A Paper...

Those of you who have been reading will know that recently I've had quite a few "life experiences" or lessons. And this last weekend definitely had one of those.

It started out with an AMAZING concert. It was actually a two part concert. Six friends and I drove to Seattle on Friday specifically so we could see the them. The band that played is called "The Senate". They are a small Seattle band and freaking amazing! (You should check them out at their website or their myspace profile to hear them. They rock!)

Every time I get the chance to hear live music it gives me incredible amounts of joy! There's just something about it that makes me feel so happy and excited that I can't seem to stop smiling. Literally. Do you know what I'm talking about?

The next day was a full one. Dad made my friends and I a wonderful breakfast. I hadn't had a breakfast that good in sooooo long. Mmmmm, mmmmmm. After some bumming around for the day and dinner with old friends, I went to go visit a friend who lives on Capitol Hill in Seattle. We had no plans specifically besides to hang out, so my friend decided to introduce me to, or as she put it "break me into", Capitol Hill. So that evening, that's exactly what she did. I got a taste of "the nightlife".

If you don't know anything about Capitol Hill life in Seattle, then let me just tell you this: it's WAY different than anything I'm used to. I don't know if it was so much of a culture shock for me though. I kind of knew about the lifestyle there, but being submerged into it like that was a whole lot closer than I ever thought I'd come. It was a rather interesting evening. Not bad, but very different, "informative", and weird at times.

I could go on and on with stories about the evening, but I'm not sure you'd want to hear it all. Some are normal and boring and others are a bit out there, at least for the likes of me. And then for some people, like my friend, they would be everyday occurrences. I'm just not used to that kind of thing. And it's not necessarily something I care to get used to.

Now I've done it, I've been "informed" and somewhat experienced a different lifestyle. It is definitely a life experience that I shall never forget.

And the huge blessing of the weekend, besides getting to hear amazing live music, was that I got a car! My mom bought a new car and I got hers. So I got to drive it back with one of my friends and we rocked out the whole way home. It doesn't seem right that after an accident I should get a newer and way better car than the one I had, but I'm not complaining. I feel incredibly lucky to get this car. I do wonder how long it will take me to get used to calling it my car though.

One more thing before I let you go. This is just so cool I can't not tell you. Last night my boyfriend and I watched The Little Mermaid and it was his idea. We sang along to the whole thing and just had a great time. It was so much fun! I hadn't watched it for at least a couple years. It was also nice to be reminded of the blissful innocence we used to have as children (that I still try to cling to), especially in contrast to my "life experience" from this last weekend.

Why can't more people hold onto their childlike innocence longer? It would be such a different world.

~Connie Jo


Barb Jacobucci said...

Happy Valentines Day, CJ! I hope you are enjoying "your car". I am living large with mine!! We are both very fortunate, if not somewhat spoiled, women! It's all good!

Mr. Jefferson said...

Congratulations on the new car! And I like the childlike innocence; we all need to both be like that more often and have friends around and with whom we can do that freely.